Provide Transformation Services

Negative impacts from the business environment impair the performance of your company

The environment and the economy are constantly changing at a rapid pace, posing major challenges for companies if they want to be and remain competitive. Also, with technology advancements, finding the right people with the right skills can significantly impact the overall performance. These challenges can be of many different origins. When you face major disruptions that come either from within, such as outdated systems, or from outside, such as new disruptive technologies and strong competitors, transformation is imperative.

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Analyze the problems, design and apply customized transformation services

A strong, purpose-driven and customized strategy allows companies to launch the right digital initiatives and build the necessary capabilities and attitudes. An objective view, experience from various projects and scalable services provide you with practical support from the very beginning. We can help you to get and maintain a digital advantage by providing digital diagnostics and transformation – end to end.

Negative impacts from the business environment impair the performance of your company
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The environment and the economy are constantly changing at a rapid pace, posing major challenges for companies if they want to be and remain competitive. Also, with technology advancements, finding the right people with the right skills can significantly impact the overall performance. These challenges can be of many different origins. When you face major disruptions that come either from within, such as outdated systems, or from outside, such as new disruptive technologies and strong competitors, transformation is imperative.

Analyze the problems, design and apply customized transformation services
(tap to flip)

A strong, purpose-driven and customized strategy allows companies to launch the right digital initiatives and build the necessary capabilities and attitudes. An objective view, experience from various projects and scalable services provide you with practical support from the very beginning. We can help you to get and maintain a digital advantage by providing digital diagnostics and transformation – end to end.

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Our Assessment Services & Toolbox

The initial step of a transformation sounds simple but is crucial for success. In joint workshops we will identify and analyze the root problem, what the key drivers are, and which areas will be directly or indirectly affected. The main factors and their interdependencies are identified and clearly broken down to their cause.

Once the problem is clear, it is important that the desired transformation, based on the identified challenges, is aligned with your business objectives. A need assessment will identify which services, technologies and systems can pave the path to the desired end situation.

It is essential to understand which steps and activities impact the targeted transformation and how. A well-structured and precisely tailored plan is the key to success. With that, your company will be able to identify the necessary measures and weigh up possible solutions at the same time.

Almost every large company harbors complicated processes and unclear structures, that prevent potentials from being released and making the most out of the skills and qualifications existing in-house. It is crucial that these capabilities are recognized, highlighted and used accordingly during the transformation in order to mitigate or eliminate the negative influences.

Once the desired objectives have been clearly formulated, the influencing factors, the resources and solution contributors have been identified, they must be captured in a roll-out plan. This will bring together all the previously identified components and casts them into a structured plan for execution.

With the transformation concept and a clearly defined roll-out plan, two important tools for a successful transformation have been created. Now the real work begins, and it is important to have the right partners on your side to ensure that it is crowned with success. With professional project and intercultural change management for transformation initiatives, we continue to accompany you through the transition.

Our Assessment Services & Toolbox

The initial step of a transformation sounds simple but is crucial for success. In joint workshops we will identify and analyze the root problem, what the key drivers are, and which areas will be directly or indirectly affected. The main factors and their interdependencies are identified and clearly broken down to their cause.

Once the problem is clear, it is important that the desired transformation, based on the identified challenges, is aligned with your business objectives. A need assessment will identify which services, technologies and systems can pave the path to the desired end situation.

It is essential to understand which steps and activities impact the targeted transformation and how. A well-structured and precisely tailored plan is the key to success. With that, your company will be able to identify the necessary measures and weigh up possible solutions at the same time.

Almost every large company harbors complicated processes and unclear structures, that prevent potentials from being released and making the most out of the skills and qualifications existing in-house. It is crucial that these capabilities are recognized, highlighted and used accordingly during the transformation in order to mitigate or eliminate the negative influences.

Once the desired objectives have been clearly formulated, the influencing factors, the resources and solution contributors have been identified, they must be captured in a roll-out plan. This will bring together all the previously identified components and casts them into a structured plan for execution.

With the transformation concept and a clearly defined roll-out plan, two important tools for a successful transformation have been created. Now the real work begins, and it is important to have the right partners on your side to ensure that it is crowned with success. With professional project and intercultural change management for transformation initiatives, we continue to accompany you through the transition.

Our Projects


Aventario is generally supporting companies with between 10,000 and 500,000 employees. The typical project varies between 30K euro for vendor assessment and 250K to setup complex / global contracts with preferred strategic suppliers.

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Download: The Ultimate Guide to Supplier Cost Efficiency

Learn more on:

  • Cost benchmarks for applications and development
  • Best practices to reduce support and development costs
  • How to prevent hidden costs
  • How to reduce costs for 24/7
  • How to avoid increasing prices on your contracts
  • Case study improved vendor management
Download guide now

Download: The ultimate Guide on Pricing for your Vendor Management

Learn more on:

  • Cost benchmarks for applications and development
  • Best practices to reduce support and development costs
  • How to prevent hidden costs
  • How to reduce costs for 24/7
  • How to avoid increasing prices on your contracts
  • Case study improved vendor management
Download guide now